Should I buy a baby walker or jolly jumper?
Baby walkers and jolly jumpers are popular baby toys, with parents purchasing it believing it will help their child learn to walk. However, it is important to note that there are many concerns regarding the potential impact of these on children's gross motor development.
Common concerns associated with baby walkers:
Delayed Gross Motor Development: Despite the name, Baby walkers do not help a baby learn to walk. The use of baby walkers can delay the development of the child's gross motor skills, as it allows them to rely on the device to stand and move, instead of practicing and perfecting their own skills. Research has shown that child are slower to develop there crawling, walking and standing up skills when they have used these devices.
Impaired Muscle Strength: Baby walkers can also have a negative impact on the development of children's muscle strength, as the device does most of the work for them.
Altered Gait: Children who use baby walkers can develop an altered way of walking (e.g tip toe standing and walking), which can become a habit that is difficult to fix
Decreased Physical Activity: When children spend long periods in these devices, they are less physically active which could adversely affect a child’s overall health and wellness.
Injuries: Children have been injured from using these devices including broken bones
It is important for parents to consider these concerns before deciding to use a baby walker or jolly jumper. A better option for children who enjoy stepping is a push trolley or toy. This encourages children to position there body upright and walk when they are ready using a normal walking pattern
If you are concerned that your baby isn’t crawling, standing up from the floor, walking on their own or tip toe walking, Contact us to have a paediatric physiotherapist assess your child in the comfort of your own home.